Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Gathering #12
I love Thanksgiving Point so I hope I win this
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Gathering #11
As I looked out my window this morning and saw the snow falling from the sky I took a minute to just watch and listen. I heard nothing when I opened my window but what I saw made me smile. I have nothing to huge to do today and I can walk to and from work. I am blessed!!! Tonight I am watching a Charlie Brown Christmas, and Prep & Landing. What is better then Christmas movies, and snow. My shopping is finished and almost all wrapped and under the tree. I think that it is finally starting to feel, smell, sound, and look like Christmas. So as I sit and write this post I think of all the memories of Christmas past. I remember moments, and smells. What do you like most about Christmas? What is your favorite memory from Christmas? And most importantly Do you feel BLESSED?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Gathering #10
Last night I fell asleep sitting in a rocking chair. Maybe that is a sign that I need to slow down. I think I run at the speed of light and when I do finally sit my body gives out on me. This last weekend I worked 23 hours in two days. I tried to be nice to my guests and to wish them all a Merry Christmas, but at about hour 20 I had lost the spirit of Chritsmas myself. So as I sat down Sunday night to listen to the Christmas devotional with my family, I didn't make it through the 1st song and I was gone.
Do you think I need to slow down?
Do you think that I need to take a breather?
Do you think I need to find the Christmas spirit and live it even on a dead run?
I think the answer to all these things is Yes. I am re-evaluating my life and my attitude. TODAY I am keeping the Christmas spirit in my heart and in my life. And maybe if I slip you could give me a nice reminder to be kinder and more loving.
Oh and Santa if you are reading this.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Gathering #9
I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! This years Halloween was one of the best. On Thursday Sam, and Ash came to see me at school (I was a witch for the day). We watched the Halloween parade.
On Friday I went to the ward party and yes I dressed up again. This time I just put on tons of makeup and wore black and orange. Kinda scary!
I carved 2 pumpkins the scary witch lady from Sleeping Beuty and Mickey Mouse.
Gotta love Disney
Gotta love Disney
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Gathering #8
My trip to Denver was great. My dad and mom drove and left early Friday morning. Benj and I flew. We left our house around 1:45 pm and got to Denver around 5:00. We flew with our Uncle Paul and Aunt Wendy and they gave us a ride to my Uncle Jacks SURPRISE PARTY. So we got to the party and waited for the rest of my extended family to show up. My uncle had no idea that we were coming and when he got there he was very surprised by all of his friends that were there. My cousin Ashley had to point out my mom and my uncle Paul. We ate food and talked at the party. The next day we just hung out at my aunt and uncles house, our rental car had a flat tire so dad and I went to get it fixed. That night we went to my uncles favorite restaurant Maggiano's Little Italy. It was great. The food was amazing. The next day we packed up the car and drove home. Short trip but none the less a fun trip. Pictures will be on the next post I don't have my camera with me.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Gathering #7
I have a weakness. I know you all thought that I am perfect and that I do everything right, but none the less I do have a weakness. I love to SHOP!!! I love to shop for things that are on sale. I think that there is something wrong with my brain. Or maybe my heart. I see something on sale and one part of me (my heart or brain not sure which) says "You cant afford that" and then the other part of me says "But Kimmy you need it." And so back and forth I go as I slowly put things in my shopping cart and check out. Am I happy that I bought it? YES! Will I do it again? NO! Well I probably will and then goes the debate back and forth. As I put things in my cart that I HAVE TO HAVE. Maybe someday I can turn this weakness into a strength. Maybe one day I can learn to say "no you cant afford that."
Its red ribbon week at school and the kids are practicing saying no to drugs. Is shopping a drug? The bigger question can I say no?
Its red ribbon week at school and the kids are practicing saying no to drugs. Is shopping a drug? The bigger question can I say no?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Gathering #6
So after much pushing from my friends I have decided to put up pictures of my BORING classroom. I started decorating for Halloween this week (hopefully I will finish in the next day or two). So here it is the much anticipated debut of Miss Mills' classroom
This is the view from the back of the room
Power points, keyboard technique, and class rules wall
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Gathering #5
This week I have been noticing the little things around me and have found somethings.
I have found that rain makes the world look crisper.
I have found that I like to crawl into my bed with lots of blankets.
I have found that fall colors inspire me.
I have found that cookie taste better hot from the oven.
I have found a bargain buy makes me feel like I am a super shopper.
I have found that it is harder for me to spend cash then putting my purchase on my debit card.
I have found as most people LOVE fall because of FOOTBALL, I only can handle 1 game a day.
I have found that short weeks total screw up my sleep schedule.
I have found that decorating for Halloween makes me wish for the days when I was little and could enjoy every part of the holiday.
I have found that babies (one in particular) always make me feel better about myself.
I have found that eating from the lunch buffet make this Saturday worth all the headaches.
I have found that I only listen to the radio on Saturday nights, and it is always Show tunes Saturday night.
I have found that getting up at 7 in the morning makes my day seem more full.
I have also found that when 7 am comes around I wish it was later, but I can still pull myself out of bed.
I have found that my family makes everything better.
That is just some of the things that I have found and noticed this week.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Gathering #4
Time passes by and I find that things change and stay the same. Change is exciting, big change or little change. I have come to the realization that every day we change. Our ideas, our goals, and what is important to me. One thing that stays the same no matter where I am is my love for teaching. I love my 550 plus students that I get to see every week. It makes me so excited for the time that I will get to actual teach just a small class of one grade. My brothers birthday was this week and I always think about him and our relationship around our birthdays. We come into the world into a family (our best friends) and things are sometimes hard and sometimes easy in our families. Nic and I have had hard times and good times. He was my best friend from the time he got home from his mission until he got married and then things change and have gotten better. I love talking to him and seeing the man and father he is becoming. He is a great person and I look up to him. Happy Birthday Nic!
I can not help but put a picture of Sammy up!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Gathering #3
So this week for fun Friday, Ash and I went to the Bountiful Library. I haven't been to the library since I was in like High school it was fun to be at the local library it feels so different from a college library. Later that day we went to the U and picked up Nic and went to the zoo. So we saw so many babies. It was the first day that the baby elephant was out and about. I love the zoo! I love the penguins, and the Asian highlands. It was so much fun.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Gathering #2
Today was GREAT!!! For Labor Day my family went to Park City and shopped till we dropped. We each got 50 dollars and could only spend it on ourselves. Easy for me not so easy for Nic. It was so much fun. I bought 4 new shirts and a skirt. Ash, Mom, Sam, and I went to the Osh Kosh outlet and loaded Sam up for at least a week. Baby clothes are so cute. We bought Sam the cutest pair of overalls and jeans. I cant wait to see her in them. It was fun to be with my whole family (minus Dano) for a day. While the boys were in the Nike store my mom and I played with Sam next to sunny bench. I got kinda bored waiting and started taking pictures. I should never be left alone with a camera and myself to pass the time.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Gathering #1
This week was crazy!!! Lots of first for me. Got a part-time job, trained, worked, canned, and played with Ash and Sam. I am excited for the changes that are happening all around me. I have found that there is so much to be grateful for. Happiness abounds all around us. I find happiness in my family, in my home, with my friends to name a few. This Friday Ash and I started fun fridays. We are going to do fun things around the state every Friday. We went to the Tracy Aviary. It was so fun. I have not been there since I was little. Cant wait for the next fun Friday.
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